Friday, May 1, 2009

Everything Pink

Just so you know where my time is going, I thought I'd show you a couple pictures from our 1st bunco Breast Cancer 3 Day fundraiser. It actually turned out to be a "Left Right Center" party but what can you do. Sara and I provided pink themed desserts and drinks (forgot to take photos of the drinks) for donations. Please disregard the funky stems on these strawberries. I think next time I'll cut the ends off. And I was so bothered by the fact that my pudding was not pink. Sara said it was "salmon" but that just grossed me out more. But I was impressed by my pink ribbon chocolates. I have another dessert event next week but my friend Heather seems intent on making 20 desserts herself so I might not have much work. I did buy the "fancy chocolate" at Williams Sonoma (Guittard) so the white chocolate ribbons would be easier and tastier - fingers crossed. I also needed more chocolate for strawberries and I did not want to spend half an hour stirring melted chocolate in order to temper it. I love to bake and especially love to make desserts so this wasn't a bad way to make $175 for our walk. I'm really hoping to have the whole $2300 soon but if anyone needs pink desserts...
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L Harris said...

That looks great! Glad you had fun. I hope the next one goes even better for you.

Lizzi said...

Your pink desserts look delish, funky stems and all!