Friday, March 27, 2009

Birthday Cakes Part Two

In the interest of being the "Best Mother Ever" I decided to make cake for my children on their birthdays. In the interest of being the "Laziest Best Mother Ever" I used a mix. Don't judge me. They were on sale for a dollar each. In January I promised Miss Kate she would have pink cupcakes. All through her horrible hospital visit which included a catheter and x-rays. But when I started making the mix I realized I didn't have 2 cupcake pans. So rather than make a little cake or just make 12 or anything else approaching rationality, I decided to use a bundt pan. I liberally doused it with ozone killing Pam. But apparently that wasn't enough. Not to mention we only had 5 minutes before we were supposed to leave and I had to get the damn thing out of the pan NOW. So it fell apart. All over. But I would not be bested. I made "cake crumbles" and we went on with our ever so joyous celebration. My children ate the crumbles. That's all that matters. Now they are affectionately called "Kate crumbles" and we all have a hearty laugh. Except Kate sometimes tells the story for no good reason, except possibly that she will need therapy as an adult, and she proclaims the cake was "crummy." Well, yes it was. But not to be deterred, I so lovingly agreed to make a cake for Miss Emma's birthday yesterday. I gave myself plenty of time and a shot of tequila. Not really, but it would have made it much more entertaining. This time I stayed far away from the bundt pan. I still have not forgiven it. And the cake actually turned out, complete with Funfetti! Funfetti always makes it better. I have redeemed my good name. Only one more to go this year.

If you like laughing at baked goods and other people, you should check out Cake Wrecks. I can only say I'm glad my cake crumbles were not submitted. But I would totally submit your cakes if they were bad enough and made me laugh.

1 comment:

L Harris said...

Good job! For almost a year now, my oven has been broken, unuseable. So I have not ventured to try to make cakes in my crockpot yet. We've been buying them.