Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm Still Here

I know it seems like I've given up. It sometimes feels like I've given up. I look at the pile of stuff in my bedroom and go take a nap. Maybe my bedroom/office was not the best place to start organizing. Maybe I should have had some successes before I tackled the "big one." But I know it has to be done. It will just be a while. I did manage to answer the journal questions. I think getting myself in the right mental state will go a long way towards the physical part. I routinely give myself a hard time for not getting everything done. For not being perfect. But there was a story in One Year to an Organized Life about a mom with young children that made me feel like it wasn't just me. And Regina made it a point to say that something has to give. Why do I know this (in my head) but not in my heart. If I took an honest look around me I would see a house that is not perfect but is certainly a lot cleaner and homier than even before. Sure we have a long way to go. But just as with my 3 day journey, it's one step at a time.


Marie said...

I know exactly how you feel, Jennifer. I have kind of hit a wall too. But last night I did go back into the mess of our study again. I was cleaning out a cabinet full of frames and artwork that hadn't been cleaned for YEARS! I was astonished to discover all this wonderful artwork I'd forgotten we we have millions of frames! I think when things are really messy, it's just so much harder to dig in...

L Harris said...

Yep, that's why I'd been avoiding my filing cabinet. It got out of hand. I worked on it some more this morning; it's coming together. You'll get there. Keep plugging away.

Jennifer said...

Thank you both for the encouragement (again)! I would love to find something I forgot about that turned out to be useful. In my case I think I'll just find piles and piles of papers. And a Barbie shoe.