Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 2

Still alive after day 1. Falling behind on my schedule a little. Damn personal phone calls. Am I going to have to start scheduling "time for friends"?

The schedule:

6:30/7:00-wake up
7:00-9:00-Em ready for school, computer time (blog posts), empty dishwasher
3 loads of laundry-fold and put away
9:40-11:00-finish Aid's room/start Kate's room
11:00-12:00-Aid ready for school/lunch
Take Aid to school
3:30-4:30-to do list
start dinner

I actually finished my schedule today too. The one problem I'm running into is the time for tasks being pushed out. But I guess as long as I get it done and it's not midnight I shouldn't complain. I keep having visions of my life a year from now and my family and I are all smiling and clean in our perfectly decorated house. Maybe it's a dream but it seems attainable. OK maybe not the clean and smiling in our perfectly decorated house part.

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