Monday, October 13, 2008

Days 18-21

Whew the Martha moment must have taken a lot out of me. I blame fall break. Though I did get my laundry pile almost under control (folded and put away). I always vow to never let it return to its monster state but it does. Maybe the secret of being organized is following through on your promises to keep stuff organized. Wow I should write a book. What else did I accomplish? I started being dragged in by the inertia of not having things to do. Our house is not horribly unclean but I need to make sure it looks nice for the in-laws. I made more treats for the neighbors (pictures coming soon) and I did my homework (finally). I was also prepared for a birthday party (though I did leave my youngest child's shoes at home). All in all not too bad. I definitely need to go back to the daily schedule. Starting right now.

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