Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dreamy Dream Board

I did it! I started my dream board. I had been using the pictures as a bookmark for several months and I finally sat down, took out the glue stick, and glued them on. For your viewing pleasure:

Apparently I would like to live in a Pottery Barn or Crate & Barrel catalog. And really, who wouldn't? Obviously there's still a lot of white space. That's so I can add on as I go. I posted the board above my desk so I can look at it several hundred times a day. One day my life will be so serene. The odd thing is there are no people in the photographs. Yes, because people mess up the serenity. How can I organize my life when my living room and kitchen look like an explosion of toys, clothing and various other things I can't categorize? How?


Sara said...

I love your dream board! You could not have posted that at a better time for me. Wink Wink

I'll try to find mine (I think I stuck it behind the couch just before people came over) and show it to you.

Heidi said...

Your dream board looks great. Thanks for the comment on my blog. When I have time, I'm going to post about my kitchen success and "not quite there yet" areas. It will be fun to watch your progress, and maybe reading your blog will keep me on track.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the comment. The dream board was a real struggle for me. Hope you don't mind I added you to my blogroll.