Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Piles of Laundry

Yesterday, while watching CNN, I managed to put a dent in the huge mountain of laundry that seems to accumulate annually. I don't know why I can't stay on top of the situation and do two loads daily. I just can't. I didn't have the stomach to count all of the loads I washed, folded, and put away. Let's just say it was equivalent to this:

Yes, that was a few months ago. And it was back to that state. So I concentrated on laundry all day and meanwhile the rest of my house looked like a Wal-Mart after Black Friday. So many things seem out of balance in my life and one thing consistently tips the scales. I know, from talking to my friends, that other people struggle with this. So why do I feel so alone?


Marie said...

I know exactly how you feel Jennifer! I think that people without three children have no understanding of how much laundry they generate!! I'm sure it gets even worse when they get to be teenagers and change their clothes several times a day.

When my mother-in-law was visiting for a month, she stayed on top of our laundry. She actually likes doing laundry. (I don't actually mind it terribly, but there's just so much of it.) My MIL is an exceptionally talented folder--it's quite astonishing--but the only bizarre things is that she doesn't sort when she folds. So we have all these beautiful pieces of clothing for five different people in the family, all together in the laundry baskets. It usually takes me just as much time to sort through them as it would take me to fold them! And of course, when I do that, I mess up the beautiful folding.

Now, I'm not complaining...because it was nice to have someone else helping out with the laundry!!! So maybe there's your solution: have a mother-in-law move in with you? :)

Jennifer said...

I think that might bring up a whole other issue. But thanks for the sympathy. And the vitamin trick by the toothbrush seems to be working.