Friday, January 9, 2009

Totally Cool

I am such a child of the 80s. I can't stop using: totally, awesome, totally awesome, and cool. But yesterday I had a totally awesomely cool experience. Remember the books I showed you? Come on, it was only one day ago. Anyway. Regina Leeds, author of One Year to An Organized Life, commented on my blog. If my brief description of her book (which is much more than I have described so far) didn't convince you to buy it, the fact that she would take the time to comment on a random person's blog should. It makes me feel like she really does back up what she advocates. She "walks the walk" if you will. So thanks Regina, I'll give out a shout out to you every chance I get. I'll make you proud. OK now I've just gone too far. The whole point of this experiment (if it does have a point) is to show people that they are not alone in living in constant chaos and it can be tamed. I will die trying to tame it. And I know this is extremely overused but, "If I can do it..." If it would help one person to see pictures of my exploding closet then it's worth it. Because one day my closet will be neat and organized and my life will be perfect. OK maybe not that last part. But it will certainly be easier.

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