Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sometimes You Need Cookies

Organizing is tough work. And I haven't really exerted myself this month because I started on the kitchen a few months ago. But just keeping the kitchen counter clean is a full time job. And yesterday we reaped the rewards. My children begged to make cookies last week and I told them we would do it on the weekend. I had every intention of following through. I don't like to lie to my children after all. But we waited until Sunday and then we went on a hike and then it was just too late. So, after much crying and lamenting over how unfair life is (that was Emma not me) I promised we would make them this week. Monday was out because I just started classes again Monday night. And you do not want my husband in charge of baking. Actually, he did make cookies with Emma one time and they were quite festive and delicious. I'm just not sure how he would fare with three. So that left Tuesday. I put COOKIES on my calendar and underlined it three times. I want my children to know they can count on me to keep my word. So we made cookies. And not just any cookies. Sugar cookies. The from scratch roll out kind. Now you may wonder why there are reindeer and Easter bunnies. That is called self expression. In the interest of time we could not ice the cookies (which caused a near meltdown) but they used enough sprinkles to power a small sugar loving village. And all thanks to my clean counters.

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