Saturday, January 3, 2009


I originally wrote this post last September but it is as true today as it was then. I guess I didn't get very far on my organizational road map. But hey, it's a new year. Funny how that happens. So in the spirit of kicking a dead horse I thought I would unearth this insightful (and devastatingly funny) blog. Let's see how long it takes before I quit again. Because I'm an optimist.

I need another blog like I need another kid. Is that mean? I get these ideas (they just come to me) and I have to start another blog. One of the many challenges of my life is feeling so inadequate about getting everything done. I see people who make it seem so effortless and I wonder how they do it all. I want to be a better mother, housekeeper, student, daughter, wife, friend, volunteer, activist, fashionista and woman. But I just don't have the time. The consequence is I very often look at the state of my house or the state of my life and go take a nap because I am so overwhelmed. So yesterday I was thinking about organization and what it takes to be an efficient person. Phyllis Schafly was spouting her opinions on how easy it was to raise six kids if you were, "..a hard-working, well-organized C.E.O. type.” And I only have half as many kids. Now I don't usually take advice from the likes of Phyllis but maybe I do need to start approaching my life as the take charge CEO I know I can be. Unfortunately no huge bonuses for me if say, my kids complete college without becoming meth addicts or my husband and I save just enough for retirement that we don't have to eat cat food. The point is, I need some intervention. So I decided to take the step of mapping out a big portion of my day. I will have tasks and times to do them in. And I will include interacting with my family in these tasks. Because it is so easy to just let them watch Dora while you're scrubbing the toilet, or let's be honest, surfing the net. I'm hoping this little social experiment will lead me to a place of greater productivity and happiness. I will do a little research along the way. I will probably have a lot of trial and error. But I will make a change dammit! Only 365 days to go.


Heather said...

you are scaring me.

Jennifer said...

I'm scaring myself a little. But come on, you were the one who told me about the cleaning index cards.